Friday, January 29, 2010

First post!

I'm not exactly new to this blogging thing. I actually love it so much that I have 2! Hmm.... The first post is always the hardest. There is so much you want to put in it. But it would take WAY to long to get it all out. So tonight we will start with a few things that are fun.

This is my new puppy. I named him Wookie! He is so much fun, well except the little presents he likes to leave. I'm trying to kennel train him, but am failing. I can't stand to hear him cry, it breaks my heart. So if I put him in the kennel and don't leave the house I take him out within ten minutes! He sleeps with me. I actually enjoy it. Except for the morning he peed on me. That wasn't so great.

I work at McDonalds. I actually quite enjoy it. The costumers are pretty good, most of the time. I enjoy MOST of the people I work with, that helps a lot.

I'm doing my prereqs for my R.N. Just started. I am enjoying college so far. I have a full load which is a lot to get used to. But, it will turn out good. My favorite class is Psychology! It's so interesting. Wednesday we learned about the brain. Nerves and neurons. Synapses. Serotonin and dopamine. All of it! It was very interesting. My least favorite is probably algebra. Which reminds me, I have homework. Ah I'll get to it later. Computer Information is just kinda there. I neither like nor dislike it. It's going to be the hardest class of the 3. But I think I can pass with good grades. :)

Well that's all I have tonight! I will post again soon! *Gabby

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