Sunday, January 31, 2010

Paranormal activity?

Wasn't scary.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


So I was supposed to work until 8pm. But labor was too high. None of the other people would go home. So here I am. I rented some free redbox movies. Took a wonderful shower. Now I'm settling down to watch Paranormal Activity. I hear it's very scary. But good.

I'm trying to go 'kinda' bland on my diet. So I ate a SoyJoy for dinner. I love them! They fill me up too, so it worked out perfectly! Now I figure I better eat something more. But what? I need something good for me with calories. Radishes are not very good right now. Or I would be eating them. I don't have any bread. I have some Pizza Rolls in the freezer. Maybe I'll do that. Very bland right?

Okay, black beans, cheddar cheese, a bunch of spices. YUMMY *Gabby

Getting down to business

I need to do my homework. I need to feed the boys lunch, and eat something myself. I need to get ready for work. But instead I will blog. It sounds like much more fun. So really I'm not getting down to business. But it was a good thought.

I didn't sleep much last night. I was up texting with Debi tell about 330. Then I just couldn't sleep. I was tired. I'm sure she knew that by the odd replies she was getting. But I couldn't sleep. I finally fell asleep around 430. Wookie woke me around 530 because he had to potty. He peed on the puppy pad then pooped on my floor. Ah PUPPY. Then he stepped in it. So I had to get up and clean this all up. Not much fun. I never really got back into a good sleep. So here I am. Hardly any sleep, headed to work at 2pm. This should be fun.

I am all scratched up from Wookie deciding it was time to play while I was sleeping. Grr. He likes to claw at my face. Silly puppy. When I'm alert it's okay, I can stop him. But being asleep. Well he won.

I got my new glasses yesterday, yeah be jealous. ;). I love them. I'm all about plastic frames. I got a pair of metal once. Yeah I wore them like 5 times the whole year, I mainly wore my old plasticones. The ones I got are black and white. Very cute. When I'm not In my pjs I will take a pic and post it. Ha. Me not in my pjs who am I kidding. Pjs are the best thing man created. Maybe when I comb my hair I will take a picture. That's more realistic.

New saying for you. "That's a whole new basket of fruitcake!" I think it fits a lot of situations where you may not know what to say. I used it for the first time yesterday. It described what I was talking about quite well.

So funny story that I'm still laughing about. Okay starting back at Christmas. I got a duck keychain, that when you push the button it lights up and quacks. Okay moving forward to a couple of days ago. I was walking out of Wal-Mart, a man asked "got a light?" I pulled out my duck and said "sure do!" He looked at me rather odd and held up a cigarette. I felt rather silly and walked away... As I've told this MANY time's you've probably heard it. BUT I think it's so funny it can be shared again. Made you smile and shake your head at me, didn't it?

I talked to my cousin Evan for the first time today. It was good. My family is kinda weird. I don't know most of them. But the ones I do know are amazing. I love them!

I still have homework. I still need to feed the boys. I still need to get ready for work. AND do laundry. So I will go and get down to business. Check back later! Much later. *Gabby

Friday, January 29, 2010

First post!

I'm not exactly new to this blogging thing. I actually love it so much that I have 2! Hmm.... The first post is always the hardest. There is so much you want to put in it. But it would take WAY to long to get it all out. So tonight we will start with a few things that are fun.

This is my new puppy. I named him Wookie! He is so much fun, well except the little presents he likes to leave. I'm trying to kennel train him, but am failing. I can't stand to hear him cry, it breaks my heart. So if I put him in the kennel and don't leave the house I take him out within ten minutes! He sleeps with me. I actually enjoy it. Except for the morning he peed on me. That wasn't so great.

I work at McDonalds. I actually quite enjoy it. The costumers are pretty good, most of the time. I enjoy MOST of the people I work with, that helps a lot.

I'm doing my prereqs for my R.N. Just started. I am enjoying college so far. I have a full load which is a lot to get used to. But, it will turn out good. My favorite class is Psychology! It's so interesting. Wednesday we learned about the brain. Nerves and neurons. Synapses. Serotonin and dopamine. All of it! It was very interesting. My least favorite is probably algebra. Which reminds me, I have homework. Ah I'll get to it later. Computer Information is just kinda there. I neither like nor dislike it. It's going to be the hardest class of the 3. But I think I can pass with good grades. :)

Well that's all I have tonight! I will post again soon! *Gabby