Tuesday, May 25, 2010

For the Longest Time

Holy Bologna! It's been forever since I've posted anything! Sorry. School had me SO busy. Plus work, Wookie, and everything else in life, this got the drop off. Hopefully over the summer I will be better about updating...

I passed all my classes. Mainly A's and B's. I was pretty stoked! I went to the college today to refile my fasfa. I am eligible for $300 more then last year, so that's good. OH, I changed my major to Psychology. I'm pretty excited.

Boys are dumb.

It's 3am. What in the world am I doing up? Well I quit that whole sleeping business.... What's the point really??? Just kidding. I sleep when I'm able. But have a hard time getting there. So why try?

Wookie is still adorable. I'll post some pictures later!!! *Ga5bby